About the service

The service should support fulfilling notification and disclosure of information obligations digitally and automated, in accordance with the Act relating to the importation and exportation of goods (Movement of Goods Act) § 2-3 and its associated regulations.

See caption
Figure: The service supports the Norwegian Customs' concept of digital and automated cross-border goods supply.


Term (Norwegian) English name Description
Forsendelse House Consignment A house consignment is a collection of goods that are to be sent from a sender to a recipient. A house consignment is identified through a consignment note number (fraktbrevnummer) issued by the party with whom the sender has an agreement to arrange transportation to the recipient.
Hovedforsendelse Master Consignment A Master Consignment is a collection of consignments that are to be sent from a sender to a recipient. A Master Consignment is identified through a master consignment note number (hovedfraktbrevnummer) issued by the party with whom the sender has an agreement to arrange transportation to the recipient.
Transport Transport In the context of digital notification and disclosure of information, "transport" defines a physical means of transportation, its driver, and cargo. The cargo, in this context, is defined by master consignments and consignments.
Transportmiddel Active Border Transport Means In the context of digital notification and disclosure of information, an Active Border Transport Means refers to a vehicle such as a car, aircraft, train, or vessel that has its own propulsion and transports cargo across the border into Norway.
Innsender Submitter Submitter is the party who submits notifications to Norwegian Customs. Please note that the submitter and customs representative can be the same entity.
Tollrepresentant Representative A (customs) Representative is someone who acts on behalf of and in the name of the operator, as defined by the Movement of Goods Act (Vareførselsloven) §7-21.
Fører Operator Operator refers to the person who operates the means of transportation and is responsible for fulfilling the reporting and disclosure obligations, as defined by the Movement of Goods Act (Vareførselsloven) §2-3.
Transportutstyr Transport Equipment In the context of digital notification and disclosure of information obligations, Transport Equipment refers to a container used to transport one or more consignments or master consignments that do not have their own propulsion. It includes trailers, semi-trailers, containers, tanks, pallets, etc. used for transportation purposes.
Beholder Container In the context of digital notification and disclosure of information obligations, a Container is a way to define transport equipment. Please refer to the definition of transport equipment.

Functional description of the service

The service aims to enable businesses to fulfil their notification and disclosure of information obligations digitally. Additionally, the service is designed to automate the process as much as possible.

Conceptually, the part of the service described here focuses on facilitating the submission of information in a way that meets Norwegian Customs' needs for risk assessment and control while also enabling automation of other steps.

The service allows for the submission of notifications regarding house consignments, master consignments, and transport as early as possible and independently of each other. However, it is important to note that, at the latest upon crossing the border, the entirety of the information submitted to Norwegian Customs must meet the requirements for digital notification and disclosure of information obligations.
This means that the different pieces of information must be interconnected, with keys provided by the submitters, and the necessary references must be in place where required.
This means that the different pieces of information must be interconnected, with keys provided by the submitters, and the necessary references must be in place where required.
For means of transport other than vehicles on road, crossing the border is considered to be when the transport arrives at its destination (e.g. airport, port or railroad terminal).

The submitter of a notification can submit a notification early, update the notification, and withdraw the notification if necessary (post, put, delete).
The submitter can also request the status of the notification (get).

The submitter can submit notifications until the transport reaches the border. At the border crossing, the submitted information must be complete for the transport, its master consignments, and house consignments.

Information is submitted in three levels:

See caption
Figure: The illustration provides an overview of the information related to transport and cargo that needs to be submitted (English text in italics).

Information and notifications

The APIs support the submission of information related to digital notification and disclosure of information obligations for postal services, express services, air freight, road transport vehicles, and ferries in accordance with the Movement of Goods Act (Vareførselsloven) §2-3 and associated regulations.

The APIs for submission are divided into three different notifications:

  1. an API for the submission of information related to Transport
  2. an API for the submission of information related to Master Consignments
  3. an API for the submission of information related to House Consignments.

The notifications are submitted separately and independently of each other, both in terms of order and sender. The transport notification should include a list of tracking numbers for all master consignments that are part of the transport upon border crossing.
House consignments are associated with master consignments in two different ways:

Relationship of keys


 Relationship between keys using post bag ID


For all notifications, there will be a set of data specific to the notification itself and its submission. This data includes information about the customs representative and the identification of the notification (references to the notification itself).

Data elements associated with transport

Data element Mandatory Conditional Optional
Transporter X
Active Border Transport Means X
Operator X
Customs office / time of arrival. X

Data elements associated with master consignment

Data element Mandatory Conditional Optional
Sender X
Recipient X
Consignment note number X
Relevant documents X
Gross weight X
Transport equipment X
Loading location X
Unloading location X

Data elements associated with house consignment

Dataelement Mandatory Conditional Optional
Sender X
Recipient X
Consignment note number X
Relevant documents X
Gross weight X
Transport equipment X
Loading location X
Unloading location X

Data elements associated with goods (submitted as part of the house consignment) – only for VOEC

Data element Mandatory
for VOEC
Conditional Optional
Invoiced value X
Goods number X
Number of packages X
VOEC-number X

Notification of transport

Domain Description
Transport notification Information about transport and reference to all consignments on board the transport
Responsible for the information Operator of the transport, in reference to the Movement of Goods Act (Vareførselsloven) §2-3
Information Provider Forwarder/Transporter/Consignor/Customs Representative
Recipient of information Norwegian Customs
Is the information mandatory? Yes
When does Norwegian Customs require the information? As early as possible, but no later than arrival at the border
When is updating the information required? The information must be updated when significant parts of the information changes. Typically, this includes changes in license plates, drivers, time/place of border crossing, and modifications in the list of master consignments
Submission deadline No later than when passing the border
Important information elements

License plate(s) of vehicle or route number for scheduled traffic (for example, scheduled flights)

Information about the operator

Time/place of border crossing

Reference number/ consignment note number for all master consignments that are on the transport

Regarding updating the transport notification When updating and cancelling, the MRN (Movement Reference Number) received in the original notification is the key that should be used to identify the correct transport.

Notification of master consignment

Summary of content

Domain Description
Master consignment notification Information about the master consignment
Responsible for the information Operator of the transport, in reference to the Movement of Goods Act (Vareførselsloven) §2-3
Information Provider Forwarder/Transporter/Consignor/Authorized representative
Recipient of information Norwegian Customs
Is the information mandatory? Yes
When does Norwegian Customs require the information? As early as possible, but no later than arrival at the border
When isupdating the information required? The information must be updated when significant parts of the information changes
Submission deadline No later than when passing the border
Important information elements

Recipient and sender

Loading and unloading location

Master consignment note number

Reference number for all mailbags (only for postal operators)

Regarding the updating the master consignment notification When updating and cancelling, the MRN (Movement Reference Number) received in the original notification is the key that should be used to identify the correct master consignment.

Notification of house consignment

Summary of content

Domain Description
House consignment notification Information about the house consignment
Responsible for the information Operator of the transport, in reference to the Movement of Goods Act (Vareførselsloven) §2-3
Information Provider Forwarder/Transporter/Consignor/Authorized representative
Recipient of information Norwegian Customs
Is the information mandatory? Yes
When does Norwegian Customs require the information? As early as possible, but no later than arrival at the border
When is updating the information required? The information must be updated when significant parts of the information changes
Submission deadline No later than when passing the border
Important information elements

House consignment note number (tracking number)

Reference to the selected customs procedure where applicable

Reference to import and export declarations

Reference to NCTS transit(s)

Rough descriptions of goods/weight



Regarding the updating the house consignment notification When updating and cancelling, the MRN (Movement Reference Number) received in the original notification is the key that should be used to identify the correct house consignment.

Detailed data requirements

Here you can download a complete overview:
Excel file containing detailed data
          requirements requirements

How to select import procedure and previous procedure for a house consignment

The tables below provide a complete overview of how to fill out a consignment notification based on the customs procedure you wish to use when your goods cross the border.

They also provide an explanation of how to indicate the procedure up to the border when necessary. In general, if the border crossing occurs by road from Sweden, it is necessary to specify the procedure up to the border; otherwise, it is not required.


Description of customs procedure and procedure up to the border

A declaration for transitioning to immediate release import has been submitted in advance.

Another customs authority has cleared the previous procedure (e.g., Danish customs before the ferry to Larvik).

A declaration for transitioning to immediate release import has been submitted in advance.

Transit is the previous procedure and should be completed upon border crossing.

Means of transport where this combination is valid Air, rail, vehicle on ferry Rail, vehicle on road/ferry
Field Code sets Variant 1 Variant 4


must be filled out

must be filled out















The list must include an item of type:

The list must include an item of type:

AND the list must include an item of type:





<must have a value>



must be = CUDE

must be = CUDE

must be = N820



<must have a value>

<must have a value>




<must have a value>

<must have a value>




<must have a value>

<must have a value>














Possible validation messages if the information is not complete. We assume that the missing information will be submitted no later than upon arrival at the border.







Description of customs procedure and procedure up to the border

Transit has been initiated in another country. The completion of transit should be carried out upon unloading. Only border crossing should be registered in NCTS upon border crossing.

Means of transport Vehicle on road/ferry, rail
Field Code sets Variant 5


must be filled out











The list must include an item of type:



<must have a value>



must be = N820


















Possible validation messages if the information is not complete. We assume that the missing information will be submitted no later than upon arrival at the border.





Description of customs procedure and procedure up to the border


Another customs authority has cleared the previous procedure, or the value is below the threshold for export requirement.


Transit is the previous procedure and should be completed upon border crossing.

Means of transport Vehicle on road/ferry, rail, air Vehicle on road/ferry, rail
Field Code sets Variant 7 Variant 10


must be filled out

must be filled out















The list must include an item of type:




<must have a value>




must be = N820


























must be filled out

must be filled out



must be filled out

must be filled out



<must have a value>

<must have a value>



<must have a value>

<must have a value>



must be filled out

must be filled out



<must have a value>

<must have a value>



must be filled out

must be filled out



<must have a value>

<must have a value>

Possible validation messages if the information is not complete. We assume that the missing information will be submitted no later than upon arrival at the border.







Description of customs procedure and procedure up to the border

A declaration for warehouse release has been submitted in advance.

Transit is the previous procedure and should be completed upon border crossing.

Means of transport Vehicle on road/ferry, rail
Field Code sets Variant 14


must be filled out












The list must include an item of type:

AND the list must include an item of type:




<must have a value>



must be = CUDE

must be = N820



<must have a value>




<must have a value>




<must have a value>











Possible validation messages if the information is not complete. We assume that the missing information will be submitted no later than upon arrival at the border.






Description of customs procedure and procedure up to the border

Consignment for procedure Collective Release after border crossing.

Transit is the previous procedure and should be completed upon border crossing.

Means of transport Vehicle on road/ferry, rail
Field Code sets Variant 18


must be filled out











AND the list must include an item of type:



<must have a value>



must be = N820


















Possible validation messages if the information is not complete. We assume that the missing information will be submitted no later than upon arrival at the border.





Description of customs procedure and procedure up to the border

House consignments where declaration is not obliged, authorised according to article § 4-1-29 of "Movement of Goods Regulations".

Transit is the previous procedure and should be completed upon border crossing.

Means of transport Vehicle on road/ferry, rail
Field Code sets Variant 18


must be filled out











the list must include an item of type:



<must have a value>



must be = N820


















Possible validation messages if the information is not complete. We assume that the missing information will be submitted no later than upon arrival at the border.



How to submit notifications of transports, master consignments and house consignments

Sequence for submitting notifications

Generally, the submission of information starts with an entity submits a notification (POST) and receiving a reference (requestId). By using the received reference, the entity can inquire (GET) about the submission's results, and, upon success, receive a permanent reference to the notification issued by Norwegian Customs. This is done in a separate endpoint (/validation-status) in the query API linked further down on this page. These services are asynchronous, so one must inquire until a response is received. Validation responses are typically available within 1 to 2 seconds, but it may take longer in some cases. The query is made at the /validation-status endpoint, which will return the MRN upon success and a list of validation errors if any exist.
The permanent reference is called a Master Reference Number, abbreviated MRN. The MRN is used when notifications need to be updated or canceled (put/delete) to refer to previously submitted notifications.
The validation endpoint may also return a list of document statuses to indicate missing information, see the tables above.

The recommended submission method is to submit all relevant creation notifications (POST) and then wait 1-2 seconds before querying for validation (query API).
For example: if there are 500 consignments in a master consignment in transport, submit (POST) all 500 consignment notifications, wait a couple of seconds, request validation, and receive MRN and status for all 500 notifications.
If a status of 404 is received when calling the validation endpoint, wait a bit and inquire again. It is recommended to create an algorithm that makes repeated attempts until the validation response is received.

Refer to the linked API documentation below for details on the endpoints.

Validation errors

See this page for an overview of the most common validation errors and their possible causes and corrections.

Updates to notifications (PUT)

Similar to submission (POST), for updates (PUT) submit the notification and receive a reference (requestId), then inquire about validation. PUT is a complete replacement of the previous submission and must refer to the received MRN for the notification as the key. In addition to referring to the MRN, key information for the notification must remain unchanged during the update:

Other than those exceptions, the update (PUT) follows the same pattern as submission (POST). Refer to the linked API documentation for details on the endpoints.

Deletion/cancellation of notification (DELETE)

Similar to submission (POST) and update (PUT), for deletion (DELETE), submit the notification and receive a reference (requestId), then inquire about validation. DELETE cancels the previously submitted notification and must refer to the received MRN for the notification as the key. Otherwise, deletion (DELETE) follows the same pattern as submission (POST) and update (PUT). Refer to the linked API documentation for details on the endpoints.

Automatic cancellation of notifications

Transport notifications will be cancelled automatically 72 hours after estimated time of arrival if not registered as arrived. House/master consignments that are not connected to a transport will be cancelled automatically 30 days after the last update of the notification.

Presentation and control routing

Norwegian Customs will attempt to automatically detect the arrival of a transport at the border. If automatic arrival is detected, Norwegian Customs will carry out an automatic digital presentation of all expected consignments on the incoming transport.
Subsequently, Norwegian Customs will make routing available in our API for the expected consignments. Entities connected to the presented consignments will be able to retrieve control routing via the API. The entities automatically connected are those who submitted information about the consignment in the Norwegian Customs API (authenticated in Maskinporten) and customs representatives mentioned in the house consignment, master consignment, or transport.

Read more about presentation and control routing here (with examples).

Presentation service

The service is used for the digital fulfillment of the presentation obligation (Movement of Goods Act § 2-3 – Presentation of goods for control). The service can be used jointly for consignments subject to notification and disclosure of information obligations and/or pre-notified to the EU in the ICS2 solution.
Presentation (API: movement-presentation) can be reported for consignments that have been pre-notified through the two mentioned obligations, i.e., consignments expected to be presented.

Presentation can be made by presenting a master consignment, house consignment, or a post bag submitted for the notification and disclosure of information obligation. If a post bag or a master consignment is presented, all consignments under it will be presented. An entity that presents consignments (through the aforementioned API), and has not previously been connected to the consignments, will then be connected and can therefore retrieve control routing for the same consignments.

For pre-notification (ICS2), presentation can be made for an entire movement declaration (ENS), a post bag, or individual consignments. If a post bag or a movement declaration is presented, all individual consignments under it will be presented.

Common routing of house consignments

for ICS2 and Notification and Disclosure of Information

House consignments that are digitally fulfilled for ICS2 and notification and disclosure of information will get a common routing. When the transport that the house consignment is transported by has arrived in the customs area, routing will automatically be made available.

Who can ask for routing?

The parties that have been involved in the digital fulfillment for the house consignment can ask for a list of routings for all the house consignments they are involved with.

How to obtain routing?

To obtain routing for house consignments, the party concerned must call an API at Norwegian Customs (movement routing API). This API is independent of the type of transport. All routing results for all types of transportation will be returned. Our APIs use Maskinporten for identity and access management. It is the Norwegian organization number for the party accessing the API that determines which routings are made available.

URLs for house consignments routings are:

Inputparameter (API)

API input parameter is defined as a marker:

marker string($uuid)

This marker defines where in the feed of routings (for the party) the response will start. The response will deliver a list of routing from the position of the marker and forward (newer routings).
The API will return a list of a maximum of 1000 routings at a time. When there are more routings, the API must be called repeatedly until the list is empty. The very first time this API is called, no marker should be used, to make sure the list starts at the beginning.

Response (API)

The response from the API consists of data elements that identifies the house consignment, a routing signal and an identifier. The identifier from the last fetched routing is used as the marker for the next call on the API.

Identifying data elements

The identifying data elements for the house consignments are:

This is the transport document number used as the identifier for the house consignment.
The type transport document number used (code set CL754)

Additionally, there can be two more identifying data elements:

MRN from ICS2
Identifier for receptacle for postal house consignment

For the house consignment there will be one routing:


and, if any further actions should be performed when or after border crossing:


The routing can have the following values:

This code signifies that the house consignment has been released to the next customs procedure.
This code signifies that Norwegian Customs requires a physical control of the house consignment.
This code signifies that the house consignment does not meet the requirements for release to the next customs procedure. The responsible party must rectify the discrepancy as soon as possible, to make it possible to issue a new routing. The house consignment cannot be delivered to the consignee.
This code signifies that the house consignment is seized by the Norwegian Customs.

The data element routingControlLocation describes at which location the house consignment should be processed (either at the location of entry or a location after entry). If the house consignment has a routing that require further processing (TO_CONTROL or ENTRY_PENDING), the routingControlLocation will specify whether this processing must be performed at the point of entry or if the house consignment may be transferred to another location, such as the party's terminal or sorting facility for processing.

The data element routingControlLocation may have the following values:

Further processing for the house consignment must be conducted at the point of entry. This might be at a customs border crossing (road), at an airport (air freight, ground handler), in a harbour (port agent) or at a rail terminal (rail operator).
Further processing for the house consignment may be transferred to another location, such as the party's terminal or sorting facility for processing.

If a house consignment should receive multiple routings, it is always the latest routing that is applicable. For example, it is possible for a house consignment to get routing ENTRY_PENDING, and then later receive routing TO_CONTROL or TO_ENTRY. If a party does not receive routing for a house consignment that is digitally fulfilled, this is normally caused by Norwegian Customs not having had the required time to process the house consignment. The party must then withhold the house consignment until a valid routing is obtained.

Code sets

An overview of the various code sets against which the notification content is validated can be found on a separate page. In the forms of the APIs, it will be indicated which code sets the data fields are validated against.

API descriptions

The services are made available as REST services over HTTPS, with data in JSON format.

If you discover vulnerabilities in Tolletaten's solutions, please contact us; see info here.

POST https://<env>/api/movement/rail/v1/transport
POST https://<env>/api/movement/rail/v1/master-consignment
POST https://<env>/api/movement/rail/v1/house-consignment

PUT/DELETE https://<env>/api/movement/rail/v1/transport/{MRN}
PUT/DELETE https://<env>/api/movement/rail/v1/master-consignment/{MRN}
PUT/DELETE https://<env>/api/movement/rail/v1/house-consignment/{MRN}

GET https://<env>/api/movement/rail/status/v1/transport/validation-status/{requestId}
GET https://<env>/api/movement/rail/status/v1/master-consignment/validation-status/{requestId}
GET https://<env>/api/movement/rail/status/v1/house-consignment/validation-status/{requestId}

where <env> is

{requestId} is substituted by the reference returned from POST/PUT/DELETE-invocations
{MRN} is substituted by the reference returned from ".../validation-status..."-end points.

API: movement-rail-api

There may still be changes to this API due to legal or functional requirements.

In order to use the service, the scope for authentication against Maskinporten must be set to toll:movement/rail

See API-documentation here.

API: movement-rail-query-api

There may still be changes to this API due to legal or functional requirements.

In order to use the service, the scope for authentication against Maskinporten must be set to toll:movement/rail

See API-documentation here.

API: movement-presentation-api

See API-documentation here.

API: movement-routing-api

See API-documentation here.

The API for control routing works by continously publishing a routing signal for consignments that are presented. Normally, presentation will happen automatically when the transport arrives at the border, but it may also be triggered by a call to the presentation API (movement-presentation-api).

Store the last read id, and use that as the marker the next time you start a call sequence, then you won't have to scan past the routing signals for previous transports.

API: Document upload

In addition to the information about consignments provided through the movement APIs, it is also possible to upload invoices and other documentation for consignments where customs declarations have already been submitted. Documentation for this API can be found here: Document upload API.


We have created a brief overview of how the notification content for consignments can look, based on the customs procedure used. Examples can be found here.
On the same page, there is also information about test data related to customs declarations that can be used for testing the interface.

Authentication – Data exchange between the business sector and Norwegian Customs

Our APIs use Maskinporten for identity and access management. On the page Maskinporten you will find information on:

The scope used for the APIs is documented for each individual API.