Code sets
Below is a comprehensive overview of the various code sets that the notification content in the API is validated against. There are two code sets used, one is the EU code set, and the other is the national code set that have been established to support Norwegian Customs business processes. Since the national code sets are not known to the business community in other contexts, we have added a description of how the codes should be used. In the forms at movement-air-api og movement-road-api-v2 it will be specified which code sets the data fields are validated against.
EU code sets
CL017 Package type
Code | EU designation | Norwegian designation |
AE | Aerosol | Aerosol-forpakning (spray) |
AM | Ampoule, non-protected | Ampulle, ubeskyttet |
AP | Ampoule, protected | Ampulle, beskyttet |
AT | Atomizer | Spray, forstøver (atomizer) |
AV | Capsule | Kapsel |
BA | Barrel | Tønne, liten |
BB | Bobbin | Spole |
BC | Bottlecrate / bottlerack | Flaskekasse, flaskestativ |
BD | Board | Bord, planke, brett |
BE | Bundle | Bunt, bylt |
BF | Balloon, non-protected | Ballong, ubeskyttet |
BG | Bag | Pose, brev, sekk |
BH | Bunch | Bunt, knippe |
BI | Bin | Bøtte, kasse, beholder |
BJ | Bucket | Bøtte, spann |
BK | Basket | Kurv |
BL | Bale, compressed | Balle, komprimert |
BM | Basin | Vannfat, balje |
BN | Bale, non-compressed | Balle, ikke-komprimert |
BO | Bottle, non-protected, cylindrical | Flaske, ubeskyttet, sylindrisk |
BP | Balloon, protected | Ballong, beskyttet |
BQ | Bottle, protected cylindrical | Flaske, beskyttet, sylindrisk |
BR | Bar | Stang |
BS | Bottle, non-protected, bulbous | Flaske, ubeskyttet, kuleformet |
BT | Bolt | Bolt |
BU | Butt | Fat, stort |
BV | Bottle, protected bulbous | Flaske, beskyttet, kuleformet |
BW | Box, for liquids | Boks, for væsker |
BX | Box | Boks |
BY | Board, in bundle/bunch/truss | Bor, planker, brett i bunt/knippe |
BZ | Bars, in bundle/bunch/truss | Stenger, i bunter/knippe |
CA | Can, rectangular | Kanne, rektangulær |
CB | Crate, beer | Kasse, øl |
CC | Churn | Kjerne, kinn |
CD | Can, with handle and spout | Kanne, med håndtak og tut |
CE | Creel | Kurv, flettet |
CF | Coffer | Kiste, skrin, kasse |
CG | Cage | Bur |
CH | Chest | Kiste |
CI | Canister | Sylinder, trommel, boks |
CJ | Coffin | Kiste (-lik) |
CK | Cask | Fat, tønne |
CL | Coil | Kveil, spole, rull |
CM | Card | Kort (Card) |
CN | Container, not otherwise specified as transport equipment | Container, ikke spesifisert som transportutstyr annetsteds |
CO | Carboy, non-protected | Glassballong, ubeskyttet |
CP | Carboy, protected | Glassballong, beskyttet |
CQ | Cartridge | Patron |
CR | Crate | Kasse |
CS | Case | Kasse |
CT | Carton | Kartong |
CU | Cup | Kopp, beger |
CV | Cover | Deksel, omslag, etui |
CW | Cage, roll | Bur, rull |
CX | Can, cylindrical | Kanne, sylindrisk |
CY | Cylinder | Sylinder |
CZ | Canvas | Seilduk, presenning |
DJ | Demijohn, non-protected | Glassballong, ubeskyttet |
DP | Demijohn, protected | Glassballong, beskyttet, (stor kurvflaske) |
DR | Drum | Fat, trommel, tønne |
EC | Bag, plastic | Pose, sekk, av plast |
EN | Envelope | Konvolutt |
FC | Crate, fruit | Kasse, frukt |
FD | Crate, framed | Kasse, (framed) |
FI | Firkin | Dunk, kagge, fjerding (liten tønne) |
FL | Flask | Flaske, kolbe |
FO | Footlocker | Kiste, kasse (står ved fotenden av sengen) |
FP | Filmpack | Planfilm pakke |
FR | Frame | Ramme, stativ |
FT | Foodtainer | Beholder for næringsmidler (foodtainer) |
GB | Bottle, gas | Flaske, gass |
GI | Girder | Bærebjelke, drager |
GZ | Girders, in bundle/bunch/truss | Bærebjelke, drager, i bunt/knippe |
HA | Basket, with handle, plastic | Kurv, av plast, med håndtak |
HB | Basket, with handle, wooden | Kurv, av tre, med håndtak |
HC | Basket, with handle, cardboard | Kurv, av papp, med håndtak |
HG | Hogshead | Fat, tønne |
HR | Hamper | Kurv (ofte m/lokk) |
IN | Ingot | Blokk, barre |
IZ | Ingots, in bundle/bunch/truss | Blokk, barre i bunt/knippe |
JC | Jerrican, rectangular | Jerrykanne, rektangulær |
JG | Jug | Kanne, mugge |
JR | Jar | Krukke |
JT | Jutebag | Jutesekk |
JY | Jerrican, cylindrical | Jerrykanne, sylindrisk |
KG | Keg | Tønne (liten), fat (lite), kagge |
LG | Log | Tømmerstokk |
LZ | Logs, in bundle/bunch/truss | Tømmerstokker, i bunt/knippe |
MB | Bag, multiply | Pose, sekk som består av flere lag |
MC | Crate, milk | Kasse, melk |
MR | Receptacle, metal | Beholder, av metall |
MS | Sack, multi-wall | Sekk, som består av flere lag |
MT | Mat | Matte |
MW | Receptacle, plastic wrapped | Beholder, pakket i plast |
MX | Matchbox | Fyrstikkeske |
NE | Unpacked or unpackaged | Uemballert eller uinnpakket |
NF | Unpacked or unpackaged, single unit | Uemballert eller uinnpakket, én enhet |
NG | Unpacked or unpackaged, multiple units | Uemballert eller uinnpakket, flere enheter |
NS | Nest | Nest |
NT | Net | Nett |
NU | Net, tube, plastic | Nett, tube, av plast |
NV | Net, tube, textile | Nett, tube, av tekstil |
PA | Packet | Pakke, eske |
PB | Pallet, box Combined open-ended box and pallet | Pallboks |
PC | Parcel | Pakke, eske |
PD | Pallet, modular, collars 80cm * 100cm | Pall, modul, ramme 80cm * 100 cm |
PE | Pallet, modular, collars 80cm * 120cm | Pall, modul, ramme 80 cm * 120 cm |
PF | Pen | Pen |
PG | Plate | Plate |
PH | Pitcher | Kanne, mugge |
PI | Pipe | Rør (-ledning) |
PJ | Punnet | Sponkurv, bærkurv |
PK | Package | Pakke |
PL | Pail | Spann, tønne |
PN | Plank | Planke |
PO | Pouch | Pung, pose, veske |
PR | Receptacle, plastic | Beholder, av plast |
PT | Pot | Potte, krukke |
PU | Tray | Brett |
PV | Pipes, in bundle/bunch/truss | Rør, i bunt/knippe |
PX | Pallet | Pall |
PY | Plates, in bundle/bunch/truss | Plate, i bunt/knippe |
PZ | Planks, in bundle/bunch/truss | Planke, i bunt/knippe |
RD | Rod | Stang |
RG | Ring | Ring |
RJ | Rack, clothing hanger | Stativ, for kleshenger |
RK | Rack | Stativ, hylle, reol |
RL | Reel | Spole, snelle, hespe |
RO | Roll | Rulle |
RT | Rednet | Fruktnett |
RZ | Rods, in bundle/bunch/truss | Stenger, i bunt/knippe |
SA | Sack | Sekk |
SB | Slab | Blokk (flat), plate, |
SC | Crate, shallow | Kasse, grunn |
SD | Spindle | Spindel |
SE | Sea-chest | Skipskiste |
SH | Sachet | Pose, liten |
SI | Skid | Lastebord, sliske, planke |
SK | Case, skeleton | Kasse, (sprinkel-) |
SL | Slipsheet | Glideplate (slipsheet) |
SM | Sheetmetal | Platemetall |
SO | Spool | Spole, rulle, snelle |
SP | Sheet, plastic wrapping | Ark, plate, pakket i plast |
SS | Case, steel | Kasse, stål |
ST | Sheet | Ark, plate |
SU | Suitcase | Koffert (hånd-), veske |
SV | Envelope, steel | Konvolutt, stål |
SW | Shrinkwrapped | Krympepakket |
SX | Set | Sats(Set) |
SY | Sleeve | Konvolutt (Sleeve) |
SZ | Sheets, in bundle/bunch/truss | Ark, plater, i bunt/knippe |
TB | Tub | Rør, slange |
TC | Tea-chest | Tekiste |
TD | Tube, collapsible | Rør, sammenleggbart |
TK | Tank, rectangular | Tank, rektangulær |
TL | Tub, with lid | Rør, slange, med lokk |
TN | Tin | Hermetikkboks, blikkboks |
TO | Tun | Kar, tønne |
TR | Trunk | Koffert, stor |
TS | Truss | Bunt, knippe |
TU | Tube | Rør, slange |
TV | Tube, with nozzle | Rør, med munnstykke/tut |
TY | Tank, cylindrical | Tank, sylindrisk |
TZ | Tubes, in bundle/bunch/truss | Rør, i bunt/knippe |
VA | Vat | Beholder, fat, kar, stamp, tank |
VG | Bulk, gas (at 1031 mbar and 15°C) | Bulk, gass (ved 1031 mbar og 15°C) |
VI | Vial | Medisinflaske, liten |
VL | Bulk, liquid | Bulk, væske |
VO | Bulk, solid, large particles ("nodules") | Bulk, fast stoff, store partikler ("klumper") |
VP | Vacuum-packed | Vakuumpakket |
VQ | Bulk, liquefied gas (at abnormal temperature/pressure) | Bulk, flytende gass (under abnorm temperatur/trykk) |
VR | Bulk, solid, granular particles ("grains") | Bulk, fast stoff, granulat ("korn") |
VY | Bulk, solid, fine particles ("powders") | Bulk, fast stoff, små partikler ("pulver") |
WB | Wickerbottle | Kurvflaske |
ZB | Bag, large | Pose, sekk, stor |
CL018 Mode of transport at the border
Code | EU designation | Norwegian designation |
1 | Maritime Transport | Sjøtransport |
2 | Rail Transport | Jernbanetransport |
3 | Road Transport | Vegtransport |
4 | Air Transport | Lufttransport |
7 | Fixed Transport Installation | Faste transportinstallasjoner |
8 | Inland Waterway Transport | Transport på innenlandske vannveger |
9 | Mode Unknown (i.e. Own propulsion) | Transportmiddel ukjent (feks. egen fremdrift) |
CL094 Representative status
Code | EU designation | Norwegian designation |
2 | Direct | Direkte |
3 | Indirect | Indirekte |
CL116 Transport charges method of payment
Code | EU designation | Norwegian designation |
A | Payment in cash | Kontant betaling |
B | Payment by credit card | Betaling med kredittkort |
C | Payment by cheque | Betaling med sjekk |
D | Other (e.g. direct debit to cash account) | Annet (eks direkte debitering fra kontakt konto) |
H | Electronic funds transfer | Elektronisk pengeoverføring |
Y | Account holder with carrier | Kontoinnehaver med transportør |
Z | Not pre-paid | Ikke forhåndsbetalt |
CL141 Customs office reference number
The complete set of codes can be retrieved from the EU commision website: Download Reference Data ( This is a list of Norwegian customs offices only.
Code | Customs office |
NO321002 |
Helligskogen |
NO321003 |
Tromsø airport |
NO323001 |
Neiden |
NO324001 |
Storskog |
NO324002 |
Kirkenes |
NO325001 |
Polmak |
NO329901 |
Karigasniemi |
NO329902 |
Kivilompolo |
NO329903 |
Utsjok |
NO331001 |
Bjørnfjell |
NO331002 |
Narvik |
NO331003 |
Evenes |
NO332001 |
Junkerdal |
NO332004 |
Bodø airport |
NO333001 |
Værnes |
NO334001 |
Vauldalen |
NO334002 |
Røros airport |
NO339901 |
Storlien |
NO339902 |
Tärnaby |
NO341001 |
Ålesund |
NO341002 |
Ålesund airport Vigra |
NO341003 |
Molde airport Årø |
NO341004 |
Kristiansund airport Kvernberget |
NO342001 |
Bergen |
NO343001 |
Bergen airport Flesland |
NO344001 |
Haugesund |
NO344002 |
Haugesund airport |
NO345001 |
Stavanger |
NO345002 |
Stavanger airport Sola |
NO351001 |
Gardermoen |
NO351003 |
Eggemoen airport |
NO361001 |
Kristiansand |
NO361002 |
Kristiansand airport Kjevik |
NO362002 |
Langesund |
NO363001 |
Torp Sandefjord airport |
NO364001 |
Sandefjord |
NO364002 |
Larvik |
NO365001 |
Helsfyr |
NO365002 |
Utstikker 2 |
NO365003 |
Hjortnes |
NO368001 |
Drammen |
NO371001 |
Svinesund |
NO372001 |
Ørje |
NO373001 |
Kongsvinger |
NO373002 |
Åsnes |
NO374001 |
Østby |
NO379902 |
Hån |
NO379903 |
Eda |
NO379904 |
Idre |
CL228 Previous Document type
Code | EU designation | Norwegian designation |
C512 | SDE - Authorisation to use simplified declaration (Column 7a, Annex A of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/2446) | SDE - Authorisation to use simplified declaration (Column 7a, Annex A of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/2446) |
C605 | Information sheet INF3 | Information sheet INF3 |
C612 | Internal Community transit Declaration — Article 227 of the Code | Internal Community transit Declaration — Article 227 of the Code |
C620 | Proof of the customs status of Union goods T2LF | Proof of the customs status of Union goods T2LF |
C651 | AAD - Administrative Accompanying Document (EMCS) | AAD - Administrative Accompanying Document (EMCS) |
C658 | FAD - Fallback e-AD (EMCS) | FAD - Fallback e-AD (EMCS) |
N235 | Container list | Containerspesifikasjon |
N270 | Delivery note | Følgeseddel |
N271 | Packing list | Pakkliste |
N325 | Proforma invoice | Proformafaktura |
N337 | Temporary storage declaration | Summarisk deklarasjon for innlegg på tollager |
N355 | Entry summary declaration | Summarisk innførselsdeklarasjon |
N380 | Commercial invoice | Handelsfaktura |
N703 | House waybill | Underfraktbrev (samlesending) |
N704 | Master bill of lading | Hovedkonossement |
N705 | Bill of lading | Konnossement |
N714 | House bill of lading | Underkonnossement (samlesending) |
N720 | Consignment note CIM | CIM-fraktbrev |
N722 | Road list SMGS | Road list SMGS |
N730 | Road consignment note | Vegfraktbrev |
N740 | Air waybill | Flyfraktbrev |
N741 | Master air waybill | Hovedflyfraktbrev |
N750 | Movement by post including parcel post | Postforsendelse inkludert pakkepost |
N760 | Multimodal/combined transport document | Dokument for kombinert transport |
N785 | Cargo manifest | Lastemanifest |
N787 | Bordereau (cargo load list) | Bordereau (cargo load list) |
N820 | Transit declaration | Transitteringsdeklarasjon |
N821 | External Community transit declaration / common transit, T1 | T1 dokument |
N822 | Internal Community transit declaration T2 | T2 dokument |
N825 | T2L document | T2L dokument |
N830 | Goods declaration for exportation | Utførselsdeklarasjon |
N952 | TIR carnet | TIR carnet |
N955 | ATA carnet | ATA carnet |
NCLE | Reference/date of entry in the declarant’s records | Reference/date of entry in the declarant’s records |
NMNS | Cargo manifest — simplified procedure | Cargo manifest — simplified procedure |
NMRN | Declaration / notification MRN | Declaration / notification MRN |
CL704 Additional Supply Chain Actor Role Code
Code | EU designation | Norwegian designation |
CS | Consolidator | Konsolidator |
FW | Freight Forwarder | Speditør |
MF | Manufacturer | Produsent |
WH | Warehouse Keeper | Tollagerholder |
CL707 Communication means type
Code | EU designation | Norwegian designation |
EM | Electronic mail | E-post |
TE | Telephone | Telefon |
CL708 Container
Code | EU designation | Norwegian designation |
0 | Goods not transported in containers | Varer ikke transportert i containere |
1 | Goods transported in containers | Varer transportert i containere |
CL709 Container packed status
Code | EU designation | Norwegian designation |
A | Empty | Tom< |
B | Not empty | Ikke tom |
CL710 Container size and type identification ("Transport equipment")
Code | EU designation | Norwegian designation |
1 | Dime coated tank | Dimebelagt tank |
2 | Epoxy coated tank | Epoksybelagt tank |
6 | Pressurised tank | Trykksatt tank |
7 | Refrigerated tank | Kjøletank |
9 | Stainless steel tank | Tank i rustfritt stål |
10 | Non-working reefer container 40 feet | Kjølecontainer 40 fot - ute av drift |
12 | Europallet - 80 x 120 cm | Europall |
13 | Scandinavian pallet - 100 x 120 cm | Skandinavisk pall |
14 | Trailer | Tilhenger |
15 | Non-working reefer container 20 feet | Kjølecontainer 20 fot - ute av drift |
16 | Exchangeable pallet | Utskiftbar pall |
17 | Semi-trailer | Semitrailer |
18 | Tank container 20 feet | Tank container 20 fot |
19 | Tank container 30 feet | Tank container 30 fot |
20 | Tank container 40 feet | Tank container 40 fot |
21 | Container IC 20 feet, owned by InterContainer, a European railway subsidiary | Container IC 20 fot |
22 | Container IC 30 feet, owned by InterContainer, a European railway subsidiary | Container IC 30 fot |
23 | Container IC 40 feet, owned by InterContainer, a European railway subsidiary | Container IC 40 fot |
24 | Refrigerated tank 20 feet | Kjøletank 20 fot |
25 | Refrigerated tank 30 feet | Kjøletank 30 fot |
26 | Refrigerated tank 40 feet | Kjøletank 40 fot |
27 | Tank container IC 20 feet, owned by InterContainer, a European railway subsidiary | Tank container IC 20 fot |
28 | Tank container IC 30 feet, owned by InterContainer, a European railway subsidiary | Tank container IC 30 fot |
29 | Tank container IC 40 feet, owned by InterContainer, a European railway subsidiary | Tank container IC 40 fot |
30 | Refrigerated tank 20 feet, owned by InterContainer, a European railway subsidiary | Kjøletank IC 20 fot |
31 | Temperature controlled container 30 feet | Temperaturregulert container 30 fot |
32 | Refrigerated tank 40 feet, owned by InterContainer, a European railway subsidiary | Kjøletank IC 40 fot |
33 | A moveable case with a length less than 6,15 metres. | Flyttbar beholder mindre enn 6,15 meter |
34 | A moveable case with a length between 6,15 metres and 7,82 metres | Flyttbar beholder 6,15m - 7,82m |
35 | A moveable case with a length between 7,82 metres and 9,15 metres | Flyttbar beholder 7.82m - 9,15m |
36 | A moveable case with a length between 9,15 metres and 10,90 metres | Flyttbar beholder 9,15m - 10,9m |
37 | A moveable case with a length between 10,90 metres and 13,75 metres | Flyttbar beholder 10,9m - 13,75m |
38 | Totebin | Bokspall |
39 | Temperature controlled container 20 feet | Temperaturkontrollert container 20 fot |
40 | Temperature controlled container 40 feet | Temperaturkontrollert container 40 fot |
41 | Non-working refrigerated (reefer) container 30 feet | Kjølecontainer 30 fot - ute av drift |
42 | Dual trailers | Dobbel tilhenger |
43 | 20 feet IL container (open-top) | 20 fot IL container (åpent tak) |
44 | 20 feet IL container (close top) | 20 fot IL container (lukket tak) |
45 | 40 feet IL container (open-top) | 40 fot IL container (åpent tak) |
CL711 Container supplier type code
Code | EU designation | Norwegian designation |
1 | Shipper supplied | Levert av avsender |
2 | Carrier supplied | Levert av transportør |
CL729 Type of person
Code | EU designation | Norwegian designation |
1 | Natural person | Privatperson |
2 | Legal person | Juridisk person |
3 | Association of persons | Flere |
CL749 Type of Goods
Code | EU designation | Norwegian designation |
11 | Sale of goods | Salg av varer |
21 | Returned goods | Returnerte varer |
31 | Gift | Gave |
32 | Commercial sample | Kommersielle vareprøver |
91 | Documents | Dokumenter |
CL750 Type of Identification of Means of Transport
Code | EU designation | Norwegian designation |
10 | IMO Ship Identification Number | IMO skipsregistreringsnummer |
20 | Wagon Number | Vognnummer |
21 | Train Number | Tognummer |
30 | Registration Number of the Road Vehicle | Registreringsnummer for kjøretøy på vei |
31 | Registration Number of the Road Trailer | Registreringsnummer for trailer på vei |
41 | Registration Number of the Aircraft | Registreringsnummer for luftfartøy |
80 | European Vessel Identification Number (ENI Code) | Europeisk skipsidentifikasjonsnummer |
CL751 Type of Means of Transport
Code | EU designation | Norwegian designation |
1 |
Box tricycle - Tricycle with a basket for delivering goods. |
Lastesykkel m/tre hjul |
31 |
Truck - Automotive vehicle designed for hauling loads. |
Lastebil |
32 |
Truck, tanker - Automotive vehicle with a tank. |
Tankbil |
33 |
Tractor - Automotive vehicle with an engine designed for pulling. |
Trekkvogn |
34 |
Van - Closed automotive vehicle designed for carrying freight. |
Varebil |
35 |
Tiptanker - Automotive vehicle designed with a tank lifting capability. |
Tankbil m/tankløft |
36 |
Truck, dry bulk - Automotive vehicle designed for carrying dry bulk cargo. |
Lastebil, tørrbulk - Lastebil utformet for å frakte tørrbulk gods |
37 |
Truck, container - Automotive vehicle designed for carrying containers. |
Lastebil, container - Lastebil utformet for å frakte containere |
38 |
Carrier, car - Automotive vehicle designed for carrying motorcars. |
Bilfrakter - Lastebil utformet for å frakte kjøretøy |
39 |
Truck, reefer - Automotive vehicle designed for the carriage of frozen cargo. |
Lastebil m/kjøl - Lastebil utformet for å frakte frosne varer |
60 |
Multimodal, type unknown - Multimodal transport of unknown type. |
Multimodal, ukjent type - Multimodal transport av ukjent type |
70 |
Fixed transport installation, type unknown - Fixed transport installation of unknown type. |
Fast transportinstallasjon, ukjent type - Fast transportinstallasjon av ukjent type |
71 |
Pipeline - A line of one or more pipes for continuous transport of liquid or gas commodity. |
Rørledning - Ledning bestående av et eller flere rør for kontinuerlig transport av væske eller gass |
72 |
Powerline - A line of one or more cables or wires for continuous transport of electricity. |
Strømkabel - Ledning bestående av en eller flere kabler for kontinuerlig transport av elektrisitet |
80 |
Vessel, type unknown - Vessel of unknown type. |
Skip av ukjent type |
81 |
Motor freighter - Motorized vessel designed for carrying general cargo. |
Frakteskip - motorisert skip utformet for å frakte generelt gods |
85 |
Motor freighter, tug - Motorized vessel designed for carrying cargo and capable of towing. |
Frakteskip m/slep - motorisert skip med slep utformet for å frakte generelt gods |
86 |
Motor tanker, tug - Motorized vessel designed for carrying liquid cargo and capable of towing. |
Tankskip m/slep - motorisert skip med slep utformet for å frakte flytende last |
87 |
Motor freighter with one or more ships alongside - Motorized vessel designed for carrying general cargo that has one or more vessels alongside. |
Frakteskip m/flere skip ved siden - Motorisert skip utformet for å frakte generelt gods i følge med et eller flere skip |
88 |
Motor freighter with tanker - Motorized vessel designed for carrying general cargo alongside a vessel designed for carrying liquid cargo. |
Frakteskip m/tankskip ved siden - Motorisert skip utformet for å frakte generelt gods i følge med et tankskip utformet for å bære flytende væske |
89 |
Motor freighter pushing one or more freighters - Motorized vessel designed for carrying general cargo, pushing one or more vessels also designed for carrying general cargo. |
Frakteskip m/flere skip foran - Motorisert skip utformet for å frakte generelt gods, som dytter et eller flere skip også utformet for å bære generelt gods |
150 |
General cargo vessel - Vessel designed to carry general cargo. |
Lasteskip |
151 |
Unit carrier - Vessel designed to carry unit loads |
Stykkgods transport |
152 |
Bulk carrier - Vessel designed to carry bulk cargo. |
Bulk transport |
153 |
Tanker - Vessel solely equipped with tanks to carry cargo. |
Tanker |
154 |
Liquefied gas tanker - Tanker designed to carry liquefied gas. |
Flytende gasstanker |
155 |
Other special tanker - Tanker designed to carry other special liquids. |
Annen spesialtanker |
157 |
Cargo and passenger vessel - Vessel designed to carry cargo and passengers. |
Last og passasjerfartøy |
159 |
Passenger ship - Vessel designed to carry more than 12 passengers. |
Passasjerskip |
160 |
Assistance vessel - Vessel designed to give assistance. |
Hjelpefartøy |
170 |
Other sea-going vessel - Sea-going vessel, not otherwise specified. |
Annet sjøgående fartøy |
172 |
Work ship - Vessel designed to assist in work. |
Arbeidsskip |
173 |
Push boat - Vessel designed to push other vessels. |
Skyvebåt |
174 |
Dredger - Vessel designed to scoop or suck mud or sand. |
Mudrer |
175 |
Fishing boat - Vessel designed for fishing. |
Fiskebåt |
176 |
Research and education ship - Vessel designed for research and education. |
Forsknings- og utdanningsskip |
177 |
Navy vessel - Vessel operated by a Navy. |
Marinefartøy |
178 |
Structure, floating - Any floating structure. |
Struktur, flytende |
180 |
Pleasure boat - Vessel designed for recreation. |
Lystbåt |
181 |
Speedboat - Vessel designed for speed, often used for recreation. |
Speedbåt |
182 |
Sailing boat with auxiliary motor - Vessel designed primarily for sailing outfitted with an auxiliary motor. |
Seilbåt med hjelpemotor |
183 |
Sailing yacht - A specific type of vessel mostly used for pleasure and designed for sailing. |
Seiler yacht |
184 |
Boat for sport fishing - Vessel designed for sport fishing. |
Båt til sportsfiske |
185 |
Craft, pleasure, longer than 20 metres - Vessel longer than 20 metres, designed for recreation. |
Fartøy, fornøyelse, lengre enn 20 meter |
189 |
Craft, other, recreational - Vessel designed for recreation, not otherwise specified. |
Fartøy, annet, rekreasjon |
190 |
Fast ship - Fast, all-purpose vessel. |
Rask båt |
191 |
Hydrofoil - Vessel with wing-like structure for skimming at high speed. |
Hydrofoil |
192 |
Catamaran, fast - Fast vessel designed with two parallel hulls. |
Katamaran, rask |
210 |
Train, railroad - One or more rail wagons pulled or pushed by one or more locomotive units, or self-propelled, that move over rail tracks. |
Tog, jernbane |
220 |
Train, passenger - Train designed to carry passengers. |
Tog, passasjer |
230 |
Train, freight - Train for carrying freight. |
Tog, frakt |
310 |
Truck, mail - Automotive vehicle designed for carrying mail. |
Lastebil, post |
311 |
Truck dump - Automotive vehicle designed with a cargo-dumping capability. |
Lastebil dump |
312 |
Truck, forklift - Automotive vehicle designed for lifting cargo and heavy objects. |
Lastebil, gaffeltruck |
313 |
Loader, shovel - Automotive vehicle designed for shoveling sand and other bulk material. |
Laster m/skuff |
314 |
Truck, platform, fixed - Automotive vehicle designed with a fixed platform. |
Lastebil, platform, fast |
315 |
Carrier, straddle - Automotive vehicle designed for lifting and transporting containers. |
Containertransportør |
320 |
Crane, mobile - Automotive vehicle with cargo crane. |
Kran, mobil |
330 |
Bus - Automotive vehicle designed for carrying more than 8 passengers including the driver. |
Buss |
341 |
Van, delivery - Automotive vehicle designed for making fast deliveries. |
Varebil |
342 |
Van, light - Automotive vehicle designed for light carriage. |
Varebil, lett |
343 |
Van, furniture - Automotive vehicle designed for carrying furniture. |
Varebil, møbler |
360 |
Tractor, industrial - Automotive vehicle designed for towing one or more trailers. |
Traktor, industriell |
362 |
Truck, freezer with isothermic trailer - Automotive vehicle designed for carrying frozen goods with a trailer designed for carrying temperature-controlled goods. |
Lastebil, fryser med isotermisk tilhenger |
363 |
Truck, isothermic with isothermic trailer - Automotive vehicle with trailer designed to carry temperature-controlled goods. |
Lastebil, isotermisk med isotermisk tilhenger |
364 |
Truck, refrigerated with isothermic trailer - Automotive vehicle designed for carrying refrigerated goods with a trailer designed for carrying temperature-controlled goods. |
Lastebil, kjøler med isotermisk tilhenger |
365 |
Truck, freezer with refrigerated trailer - Automotive vehicle designed for carrying frozen goods with a trailer designed for carrying refrigerated goods. |
Lastebil, fryser med kjøletilhenger |
366 |
Truck, isothermic with refrigerated trailer - Automotive vehicle designed to carry temperature-controlled goods with a trailer designed to carry refrigerated goods. |
Lastebil, isotermisk med kjøletilhenger |
367 |
Truck, opening floor, with extendable trailer - Automotive vehicle with an opening floor with an extendable trailer. |
Lastebil, åpent gulv, med utvidbar tilhenger |
368 |
Truck, rigid, with tank and tank trailer - Rigid automotive vehicle designed with a tank with a tank trailer. |
Lastebil, rigid, med tank og tanktilhenger |
369 |
Truck, bulk with tank trailer - Automotive vehicle designed for bulk carrying with a tank trailer. |
Lastebil, bulk med tanktilhenger |
370 |
Truck, rigid with tank and bulk trailer - Rigid automotive vehicle designed with a tank with a trailer capable of carrying bulk cargo and liquid. |
Lastebil, rigid, med tank og bulktilhenger |
371 |
Truck, bulk with bulk trailer - Automotive vehicle and trailer both designed for carrying bulk cargo. |
Lastebil, bulk med bulktilhenger |
372 |
Truck, tautliner with extendable trailer - Automotive tautliner vehicle with extendable trailer. |
Lastebil, tautliner med utvidbar tilhenger |
373 |
Truck, tautliner with removable roof and extendable trailer - Automotive tautliner vehicle with removable roof and extendable trailer. |
Lastebil, tautliner med avtakbart tak og utvidbar
tilhenger |
374 |
Truck, bulk truck with extendable trailer - Automotive vehicle designed for carrying bulk cargo with an extendable trailer. |
Lastebil, bulk med utvidbar tilhenger |
375 |
Truck, refrigerated with freezer trailer - Automotive vehicle designed for carrying refrigerated goods with a trailer designed for carrying frozen goods. |
Lastebil, Kjøler med frysetilhenger |
376 |
Truck, isothermic with freezer trailer - Automotive vehicle designed for carrying temperature-controlled goods with a trailer designed for carrying frozen goods. |
Lastebil, isotermisk med frysetilhenger |
377 |
Truck, furniture with trailer - Automotive vehicle designed for carrying furniture with a trailer. |
Lastebil, møbler med tilhenger |
378 |
Truck, tautliner with furniture trailer - Automotive tautliner vehicle with trailer designed for carrying furniture. |
Lastebil, tautliner med møbel trailer |
379 |
Truck, tautliner, removable roof with furniture trailer - Automotive tautliner vehicle designed with a removable roof with a trailer designed for carrying furniture. |
Lastebil, tautliner, avtakbart tak med møbeltilhenger |
380 |
Truck, tip-up with gondola trailer - Automotive vehicle designed with a tip-up capability with a gondola trailer. |
Lastebil, tip-up med gondola tilhenger |
381 |
Truck, tautliner with gondola trailer - Automotive tautliner vehicle with a gondola trailer. |
Lastebil, tautliner med gondola tilhenger |
382 |
Truck, tautliner, with removable roof and gondola trailer - Automotive tautliner vehicle with removable roof and a gondola trailer. |
Lastebil, tautliner, med avtakbart tak og gondola
tilhenger |
383 |
Truck, opening-floor with gondola trailer - Automotive vehicle with an opening floor and with a gondola trailer. |
Lastebil, åpent gulv med gondola tilhenger |
384 |
Truck, bulk with gondola trailer - Automotive vehicle designed for carrying bulk cargo with a gondola trailer. |
Lastebil, bulk med gondol tilhenger |
385 |
Truck, tip-up with extendable gondola trailer - Automotive vehicle designed with a tip-up capability with an extendable gondola trailer. |
Lastebil, bulk med utvidbar gondola tilhenger |
386 |
Truck, tautliner with extendable gondola trailer - Automotive tautliner vehicle with an extendable gondola trailer. |
Lastebil, tautliner med utvidbar gondola tilhenger |
387 |
Truck, tautliner, removable roof with extendable gondola trailer - Automotive tautliner vehicle designed with a removable roof and with an extendable gondola trailer. |
Lastebil, tautliner med avtagbart tak på utvidbar gondol
tilhenger |
388 |
Truck, opening floor with extendable gondola trailer - Automotive tautliner vehicle designed with an opening floor and with an extendable gondola trailer. |
Lastebil, åpent gulv med utvidbar gondola tilhenger |
389 |
Truck, bulk with extendable gondola trailer - Automotive vehicle designed for carrying bulk cargo with an extendable gondola trailer. |
Lastebil, bulk med utvidbar gondol tilhenger |
390 |
Truck, tip-up truck with opening-floor trailer - Automotive vehicle designed with a tip-up capability with an opening-floor trailer. |
Lastebil, tip-up med åpent gulv tilhenger |
391 |
Truck, tautliner with opening-floor trailer - Automotive tautliner vehicle with opening-floor trailer. |
Lastebil, tauliner med åpent gulv tilhenger |
392 |
Truck, tautliner, removable roof, with opening-floor trailer - Automotive tautliner vehicle with a removable roof, with an opening-floor trailer. |
Lastebil, tauliner med avtagbart tak og åpent gulv
tilhenger |
393 |
Truck, opening-floor with opening-floor trailer - Automotive vehicle and trailer both with opening floors. |
Lastebil, tauliner med gulv som kan åpnes og tilhenger med
gulv som kan åpnes |
394 |
Truck, bulk truck with opening-floor trailer - Automotive vehicle designed for carrying bulk cargo with an opening-floor trailer. |
Lastebil, bulk med åpen gulvhenger |
395 |
Truck, with trailer - Automotive vehicle designed to pull a trailer, with a trailer attached. |
Lastebil, med henger |
396 |
Truck, tilt, with tilt trailer - Automotive vehicle with a tilt capability with a trailer also with a tilt capability. |
Lastebil, tipp, med tipp-henger |
397 |
Truck, refrigerated, with refrigerated trailer - Automotive vehicle designed to carry refrigerated goods with a trailer also capable of carrying refrigerated goods. |
Lastebil, kjøler med kjølehenger |
398 |
Truck, freezer with freezer trailer - Automotive vehicle capable of carrying frozen goods with a trailer also capable of carrying frozen goods. |
Lastebil, fryse med frysehenger |
399 |
Truck, removal with removal trailer - Automotive vehicle designed to carry household effects with a trailer also capable of carrying household effects. |
Lastebil, flyttelass med tilhenger |
802 |
Motor tanker - Motorized vessel designed for carrying liquid cargo in fixed cargo tanks. |
Motortankskip |
803 |
Container vessel - Motorized vessel specially designed and equipped for carrying containers. |
Containerfartøy |
804 |
Gas tanker - Motorized vessel designed for carrying gas in fixed cargo tanks, type G according to ADN. |
Gassfartøy |
810 |
Motor freighter pushing at least one tank-ship - Motorized vessel designed for carrying general cargo, pushing at least one vessel designed to carry liquid cargo. |
Motorlastefartøy som drar minst et tankskip |
811 |
Tug, freighter - Vessel designed to push or pull another vessel that is also capable of carrying general cargo. |
Slepebåt |
812 |
Tug, tanker - Vessel designed to push or pull another vessel also capable of carrying liquid cargo. |
Slepe båt, tanker |
813 |
Tug, freighter, coupled - Vessel designed to push or pull another vessel that is also capable of carrying general cargo tied to one or more other vessels. |
Slepebåt, flere |
814 |
Tug, freighter/tanker, coupled - Vessel designed to push or pull another vessel that is also capable of carrying either general or liquid cargo tied to one or more other vessels. |
Slepebåt, tanker, flere |
815 |
Freight barge - Lighter or Barge designed for carrying general cargo, either having no motive power of its own or having only sufficient motive power to perform restricted manoeuvres. |
Godslekter |
816 |
Tank barge - Lighter or Barge designed for carrying liquid cargo in fixed tanks, either having no motive power of its own or having only sufficient motive power to perform restricted manoeuvres. |
Tanklekter |
817 |
Freight barge with containers - Lighter or Barge specially designed and equipped for carrying containers, either having no motive power of its own or having only sufficient motive power to perform restricted manoeuvres. |
Godslekter |
818 |
Tank barge, gas - Lighter or Barge designed for carrying gas in cargo tanks, type G according to ADN, either having no motive power of its own or having only sufficient motive power to perform restricted manoeuvres. |
Tanklekter, gass |
821 |
Pushtow, one cargo barge - Vessel designed for pushing/towing, facilitating the movement of one cargo barge. |
Bukserbåt, en lastelekter |
822 |
Pushtow, two cargo barges - Combination designed for pushing/towing, facilitating the movement of two cargo barges. |
Bukserbåt, to lastelektere |
823 |
Pushtow, three cargo barges - Combination designed for pushing/towing, facilitating the movement of three cargo barges. |
Bukserbåt, tre lastelektere |
824 |
Pushtow, four cargo barges - Combination designed for pushing/towing, facilitating the movement of four cargo barges. |
Bukserbåt, fire lastelektere |
825 |
Pushtow, five cargo barges - Combination designed for pushing/towing, facilitating the movement of five cargo barges. |
Bukserbåt, fem lastelektere |
826 |
Pushtow, six cargo barges - Combination designed for pushing/towing, facilitating the movement of six cargo barges. |
Bukserbåt, seks lastelektere |
827 |
Pushtow, seven cargo barges - Combination designed for pushing/towing, facilitating the movement of seven cargo barges. |
Bukserbåt, syv lastelektere |
828 |
Pushtow, eight cargo barges - Combination designed for pushing/towing, facilitating the movement of eight cargo barges. |
Bukserbåt, åtte lastelektere |
829 |
Pushtow, nine cargo barges - Combination designed for pushing/towing, facilitating the movement of nine or more cargo barges. |
Bukserbåt, ni lastelektere |
831 |
Pushtow, one gas/tank barge - Combination designed for pushing/towing, moving one tanker or gas barge. |
Bukserbåt, en gass/tanklekter |
832 |
Pushtow, two barges at least one tanker or gas barge - Combination designed for pushing/towing, moving two barges of which at least one tanker or gas barge. |
Bukserbåt, to lektere med minst en tank eller gasslekter |
833 |
Pushtow, three barges at least one tanker or gas barge - Combination designed for pushing/towing, moving three barges of which at least one is a tanker or gas barge. |
Bukserbåt, tre lektere med minst en tank eller gasslekter |
834 |
Pushtow, four barges at least one tanker or gas barge - Combination designed for pushing/towing, moving four barges of which at least one is a tanker or gas barge. |
Bukserbåt, fire lektere med minst en tank eller gasslekter |
835 |
Pushtow, five barges at least one tanker or gas barge - Combination designed for pushing/towing, moving five barges of which at least one is a tanker of gas barge. |
Bukserbåt, fem lektere med minst en tank eller gasslekter |
836 |
Pushtow, six barges at least one tanker or gas barge - Combination designed for pushing/towing, moving six barges of which at least one is a tanker or gas barge. |
Bukserbåt, seks lektere med minst en tank eller gasslekter |
837 |
Pushtow, seven barges at least one tanker or gas barge - Combination designed for pushing/towing, moving seven barges of which at least one is a tanker or gas barge. |
Bukserbåt, syv lektere med minst en tank eller gasslekter |
838 |
Pushtow, eight barges at least one tanker or gas barge - Combination designed for pushing/towing, moving eight barges of which at least one is a tanker or gas barge. |
Bukserbåt, åtte lektere med minst en tank eller gasslekter |
839 |
Pushtow, nine or more barges at least one tanker or gas barge - Combination designed for pushing/towing, moving nine or more barges of which at least one is a tanker or gas barge. |
Bukserbåt, ni lektere med minst en tank eller gasslekter |
840 |
Tug, single - Vessel specially designed to perform towing operations. |
Slepebåt, singel |
841 |
Tug, one or more tows - Vessel designed for pushing another vessel that is involved in one or more concurrent tows. |
Slepebåt, ett eller flere slep |
842 |
Tug, assisting a vessel or linked combination - Vessel designed for pushing another vessel that is assisting one vessel or a combination of vessels or tugs and vessels. |
Slepebåt, assistere et fartøy eller koblede kombinasjoner |
843 |
Pushboat, single - Vessel designed for pushing. Vessel specially designed for pushing a pushed convoy. |
Skyvebåt, singel |
844 |
Passenger ship, ferry, red cross ship, cruise ship - Vessels designed for carrying passengers. |
Passasjerskip, ferge, redningsskøyte, cruiseskip |
845 |
Service vessel - A tender (vessel for logistical support), dealing with the transport of small material and maintenance requirements outside the port area on rivers and other inland waterways. |
Servicefartøy |
846 |
Vessel, work maintenance craft, floating derrick, cable-ship, buoy-ship, dredge - Vessel designed to perform a specific type of work. |
Fartøy, vedlikeholdsarbeid, flytende tårn, kabelskip,
bøyeskip, mudring |
847 |
Object, towed, not otherwise specified - An object in tow that is not otherwise specified. |
Objekt, slept, ikke spesifisert annet sted |
848 |
Fishing boat - Vessel designed for fishing. |
Fiskebåt |
849 |
Bunkership - Motorized vessel designed for carrying and delivering bunkers (products intended for the propulsion and operation of vessels) to other vessels, type N according to ADN. |
Bunkerskip |
850 |
Barge, tanker, chemical - Vessel designed to carry liquid or bulk chemicals. |
Lekter, tanker, kjemikalier |
851 |
Object, not otherwise specified - A floating object that is not otherwise specified. |
Objekt, ikke spesifisert annet sted |
1501 |
Grain vessel - Vessel designed to carry grain. |
Kornfartøy |
1502 |
Timber/log carrier - Vessel designed to carry logs and timber. |
Tømmer/tømmerbærer |
1503 |
Wood chips vessel - Vessel designed to carry wood chips. |
Flisfartøy |
1504 |
Steel products vessel - Vessel designed to carry steel products. |
Stålvarefartøy |
1505 |
Carrier, general cargo/container - Vessel designed to carry general cargo and containers. |
Transportør, generell last/container |
1506 |
Temperature controlled cargo vessels - Vessel designed to carry temperature-controlled cargo. |
Temperaturkontrollert lastefartøy |
1511 |
Full container ship/cellular vessel - Vessel designed to carry containers only. |
Containerfartøy |
1512 |
RoRo vessel - Vessel with ramp designed to carry roll-on/roll-off cargo. |
Ro-ro fartøy |
1513 |
Car carrier - Vessel designed to carry automotive vehicles or their knock-down parts. |
Bilfartøy |
1514 |
Livestock carrier - Vessel designed to carry livestock. |
Husdyrfartøy |
1515 |
Barge carrier - Lash ship - Vessel designed to carry barges. Lash means lighters aboard ship. |
Lekterfartøy - lekterskip |
1516 |
Chemical carrier - Vessel designed to carry chemicals in bulk or drums not in tanks. |
Kjemikaliefartøy |
1517 |
Irradiated fuel carrier - Vessel designed to carry irradiated fuel. |
Bestrålt drivstoffartøy |
1518 |
Heavy cargo vessel - Ship designed to carry heavy cargo. |
Tungt lastefartøy |
1519 |
RoRo/Container vessel - Vessel designed to carry both containers and roll-on/roll-off cargo. |
Ro-ro/containerfartøy |
1521 |
Dry bulk carrier - Vessel designed to carry dry bulk (expellers). |
Tørrbulkfartøy |
1522 |
Ore carrier - Vessel designed to carry ore. |
Malmfartøy |
1523 |
Cement carrier - Vessel designed to carry cement. |
Sementfartøy |
1524 |
Gravel carrier - Vessel designed to carry gravel. |
Grusfartøy |
1525 |
Coal carrier - Vessel designed to carry coal. |
Kullfartøy |
1531 |
Crude oil tanker - Tanker designed to carry crude oil. |
Råoljetanker |
1532 |
Chemical tanker, coaster - Tanker designed to carry chemicals in coastal traffic. |
Kjemikalietanker, kysttrafikk |
1533 |
Chemical tanker, deep sea - Tanker designed to carry chemicals in deep sea. |
Kjemikalietanker, dypt hav |
1534 |
Oil and other derivatives tanker - Tanker designed to carry oil and other derivatives. |
Olje og andre derivater tanker |
1541 |
LPG tanker - Vessel designed to carry Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG). |
LPG-tanker |
1542 |
LNG tanker - Tanker designed to carry Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG). |
LNG-tanker |
1543 |
LNG/LPG tanker - Tanker designed to carry Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG). |
LNG/LPG-tanker |
1551 |
Asphalt/bitumen tanker - Tanker designed asphalt and bitumen. |
Asfalt/bitumentanker |
1552 |
Molasses tanker - Tanker designed to carry molasses. |
Svart sirup-tanker |
1553 |
Vegetable oil tanker - Tanker designed to carry vegetable oil. |
Vegetabilsk olje-tanker |
1591 |
Cruise ship - Passenger ship designed to carry tourists on specified routes. |
Cruiseskip |
1592 |
Ferry - Vessel designed to ply regularly between two or more ports. |
Ferge |
1593 |
Other passenger ship - Vessel designed to carry passengers, not otherwise specified. |
Andre passasjerskip |
1594 |
Passenger ship, sailing - Vessel designed to carry passengers and mainly propelled by sails. |
Passasjer skip, seiling |
1601 |
Tug, without tow - Vessel designed to tow objects but sailing alone. |
Slepebåt, uten slep |
1602 |
Tug, with tow - Vessel designed to tow, and towing an object. |
Slepebåt, med slep |
1603 |
Salvage vessel - Vessel designed to salvage. |
Bergingsfartøy |
1604 |
Rescue vessel - Vessel designed to effect rescue operations. |
Redningsfartøy |
1605 |
Oil combat vessel - Vessel designed to combat oil spills. |
Oljekampfartøy |
1606 |
Oil rig - Object designed for drilling oil at sea. |
Oljerigg |
1607 |
Hospital vessel - Vessel designed to serve as a hospital at sea. |
Sykehusfartøy |
1711 |
Pilot boat - Vessel designed to convey pilots to/from ships. |
Mannskapsbåt |
1712 |
Patrol/measure ship - Vessel designed to guard, patrol or measure. |
Patruljere/tiltak-skip |
1721 |
Supply vessel - Vessel designed to provide supplies. |
Forsyningsfartøy |
1723 |
Offshore support vessel - Vessel designed to provide offshore support. |
Offshore forsyningsskip |
1724 |
Pontoon - Flat-bottomed vessel with a flat deck. |
Pontoon |
1725 |
Stone dumping vessel - Vessel designed to dump stones. |
Steindumping-fartøy |
1726 |
Cable layer - Vessel designed to lay cable. |
Kabelleggere |
1727 |
Buoyage vessel - Vessel designed to handle buoys. |
Bøyefartøy |
1728 |
Icebreaker - Vessel designed to break ice. |
Isbryter |
1729 |
Pipelaying vessel - Vessel designed to lay pipe. |
Rørleggingsfartøy |
1751 |
Trawler - Vessel designed to drag a bag-like net. |
Tråler |
1752 |
Cutter - Small vessel that sometimes can be carried on a larger ship. |
Kutter |
1753 |
Factory ship - Vessel designed as a fish factory. |
Fabrikkskip |
1761 |
Fishery research vessel - Vessel designed for fishery research. |
Fiskeundersøkelsesfartøy |
1762 |
Climate registration vessel - Vessel designed for climate registration. |
Klimaregistreringsfartøy |
1763 |
Ship for environmental measurement - Vessel designed for environmental monitoring and measurement. |
Skip for miljømåling |
1764 |
Scientific vessel - Vessel designed for scientific purposes. |
Forskningsfartøy |
1765 |
Sailing school ship - Vessel designed for training, powered by sail. |
Skoleskip |
1766 |
Training vessel - Vessel designed for training. |
Øvelsesfartøy |
1781 |
Crane, floating - A crane mounted on a barge or pontoon. |
Kran, flytende |
1782 |
Dock, floating - A submersible floating structure used as a dock. |
Flytedokk |
2201 |
Train, super express - Train designed for high speed. |
Tog, super-ekspress |
2202 |
Train, sleeper - Passenger train that includes carriages for sleeping. |
Tog, sovevogn |
2203 |
Train, passenger, hired group - A chartered train. |
Tog, passasjer, til leie for grupper |
2301 |
Blocktrain - Train for carrying freight to the same destination. |
Énvogns-tog |
2302 |
Train, container - Train for carrying containers. |
Tog, container |
2303 |
Train, with one wagon - Train with a single wagon for carrying freight. |
Tog, med en vogn |
2304 |
Train, with more than one and less than 20 wagons - Train with more than one and less than 20 wagons for carrying freight. |
Tog, med mer enn en vogn og færre enn 20 vogner |
2305 |
Train, with more than 20 wagons - Train with more than 20 wagons for carrying freight. |
Tog, med mer enn 20 vogner |
3100 |
Truck, tautliner with removal trailer - Automotive tautline truck with trailer capable of carrying household effects. |
Lastebil, tautliner med avtagbar tilhenger |
3101 |
Truck, tautliner with removable roof and removal trailer - Automotive tautline vehicle with removable roof and a trailer capable of carrying household effects. |
Lastebil, tautliner med avtagbart tak og avtagbar
tilhenger |
3102 |
Car, with caravan - Automobile towing a house trailer. |
Bil, med campingvogn |
3103 |
Truck, tautliner, 25 tonne - Automotive tautline vehicle with a 25 tonne capacity. |
Lastebil, tautliner, 25 tonn |
3104 |
Truck, tautliner, 25 tonne with removable roof - Automotive tautline vehicle with a 25 tonne capacity and a removable roof. |
Lastebil, tautliner, 25 tonn med avtagbart tak |
3105 |
Lorry, articulated, flat bed, 25 tonne - Articulated automotive vehicle with a flat bed and 25 tonne capacity. |
Lastebil, leddkjøretøy, flat seng, 25 tonn |
3106 |
Lorry, articulated, flat bed, 24 tonne, with 10 metre crane - Articulated automotive vehicle with a flat bed and 25 tonne capacity with a 10-metre crane attached. |
Lastebil, leddkjøretøy, flat seng, 24 tonn, med 10 meter
kran |
3107 |
Lorry, articulated, flat bed, 24 tonne, with 15 metre crane - Articulated automotive vehicle with a flat bed and 25 tonne capacity with a 15-metre crane attached. |
Lastebil, leddkjøretøy, flat seng, 24 tonn, med 15 meter
kran |
3108 |
Lorry, articulated, flat bed, 24 tonne, with 18 metre crane - Articulated automotive vehicle with a flat bed and 25 tonne capacity with an 18-metre crane attached. |
Lastebil, leddkjøretøy, flat seng, 24 tonn, med 19 meter
kran |
3109 |
Lorry, articulated, flat bed, 10 tonne - Articulated automotive vehicle with a flat bed and 10 tonne capacity. |
Lastebil, leddkjøretøy, flat seng, 10 tonn |
3110 |
Truck, tautliner, 25 tonne, with 90 cubic metre trailer - Automotive tautline vehicle with a 25 tonne capacity and a 90 cubic metre trailer. |
Lastebil, tautliner, 25 tonn, med 90 kubikkmeter tilhenger |
3111 |
Truck, tautliner, 25 tonne, with 120 cubic metre trailer - Automotive tautline vehicle with a 25 tonne capacity and a 120 cubic metre trailer. |
Lastebil, tautliner, 25 tonn, med 120 kubikkmeter
tilhenger |
3112 |
Lorry, flat with trailer and 10 metre crane - Automotive vehicle with flat bed and trailer and 10 metre crane. |
Lastebil, flat med tilhenger og 10 meter kran |
3113 |
Lorry, articulated with tank - Articulated automotive vehicle with tank designed for carrying liquid or bulk goods. |
Lastebil, leddet med tank |
3114 |
Lorry, flat, 15 tonne - Automotive vehicle with flat bed and a 15 tonne capacity. |
Lastebil, flat, 15 tonner |
3115 |
Lorry, flat, 15 tonne with crane - Automotive vehicle with flat bed and a 15 tonne capacity and attached crane. |
Lastebil, flat, 15 tonner med kran |
3116 |
Truck, isothermic - Automotive vehicle designed to carry temperature-controlled goods. |
Lastebil, isotermisk (konstant temperatur) |
3117 |
Truck, refrigerated - Automotive vehicle designed to carry refrigerated goods. |
Lastebil, kjøl |
3118 |
Van, freezer - Automotive vehicle designed to carry frozen goods. |
Varebil, frys |
3119 |
Van, isothermic - Automotive vehicle designed to carry temperature-controlled goods. |
Varebil, isotermisk (konstant termperatur) |
3120 |
Van, refrigerated - Automotive vehicle designed to carry refrigerated goods. |
Varebil, kjøl |
3121 |
Truck, bulk - Automotive vehicle designed to carry bulk goods. |
Lastebil, bulk |
3122 |
Truck, tip-up - Automotive vehicle designed with a tip-up capability. |
Lastebil, tip-up |
3123 |
Truck, articulated, tip-up - Articulated automotive vehicle designed with a tip-up capability. |
Lastebil, ledd tip-up |
3124 |
Truck, rigid, with tank - Rigid automotive vehicle designed with a tank. |
Lastebil, med tank |
3125 |
Truck, tautliner - Automotive vehicle with non-rigid sides. |
Lastebil, tautliner |
3126 |
Truck, tautliner, with removable roof - Automotive tautline vehicle with a removable roof. |
Lastebil, tautliner, med avtagbart tak |
3127 |
Truck, with opening floor - Automotive vehicle with a floor that can be opened. |
Lastebil, med mulighet for åpne gulv |
3128 |
Truck, freezer - Automotive vehicle designed to carry frozen goods. |
Lastebil, frys |
3129 |
Truck, with crane for moving goods, without trailer - A truck with a crane for moving goods, without a trailer. |
Lastebil, med kran for å flytte last, uten tilhenger |
3130 |
Truck, with crane for moving goods, with trailer - A truck with a crane for moving goods, with a trailer. |
Lastebil, med kran for å flytte last, med tilhenger |
3131 |
Truck, with crane for lifting goods, without trailer - A truck with a crane for lifting goods, without a trailer. |
Lastebil, med kran til å løfte varer, uten tilhenger |
3132 |
Truck, with crane for lifting goods, with trailer - A truck with a crane for lifting goods, with a trailer. |
Lastebil, med kran til å løfte varer, med tilhenger |
3133 |
Taxi cab - Automotive vehicle licensed to ply for hire. |
Drosje |
3134 |
Truck, furniture - Automotive vehicle designed for carrying furniture. |
Lastebil, møbler |
3135 |
Truck, hydrant - Automotive vehicle designed for the delivery of fuel from a fixed installation to a means of transport. |
Lastebil, hydrant |
3136 |
Car - Automotive vehicle designed to carry a small number of passengers. |
Personbil |
3137 |
Truck, with tail-lift - Automotive vehicle with a hydraulic lifting device on the rear of the vehicle for loading and unloading goods. |
Lastebil, med lastelem bak |
3138 |
Armoured vehicle - Automotive vehicle designed with fortified body for enhanced protection. |
Pansret kjøretøy |
3201 |
Car, elevator - Automotive vehicle with raisable work platform. |
Bil, heis |
3301 |
Bus, with trailer - Automotive vehicle with an attached trailer for carrying passengers and/or luggage. |
Buss, med tilhenger |
3302 |
Bus, highway - Automotive vehicle designed for highway travel. |
Buss, hovedvei |
3303 |
Bus, sightseeing - Automotive vehicle designed for sightseeing. |
Buss, sightseeing |
3304 |
Bus, airport/city - Automotive vehicle designed to carry passengers and their baggage between an airport and a city and return. |
Buss, flyplass/by |
4000 |
Aircraft, type unknown - Aircraft of unknown type. |
Fly, ukjent type |
5000 |
Mail, type unknown - Mail of unknown type |
Post, ukjent type |
8021 |
Motor tanker, liquid cargo, type N - Motorized vessel designed for carrying liquid cargo in cargo tanks, type N according to ADN. |
Motortankskip, flytende last, type N |
8022 |
Motor tanker, liquid cargo, type C - Motorized vessel designed for carrying special liquid chemicals in cargo tanks, type C according to ADN. |
Motortankskip, flytende last, type C |
8023 |
Motor tanker, dry cargo - Motorized vessel designed for carrying dry cargo as if liquid in fixed tanks (e.g. cement). |
Motortankskip, tørr last |
8161 |
Tank barge, liquid cargo, type N - Lighter or Barge designed for carrying liquid cargo in cargo tanks, type N according to ADN, either having no motive power of its own or having only sufficient motive power to perform restricted manoeuvres. |
Tanklekter, flytende last, type N |
8162 |
Tank barge, liquid cargo, type C - Lighter or Barge designed to for carrying special liquid chemicals in cargo tanks, type C according to ADN, either having no motive power of its own or having only sufficient motive power to perform restricted manoeuvres. |
Lekter designet for å frakte spesiell flytende last i lastetank, type C i henhold til ADN, enten uten egen motorkraft eller bare med tilstrekkelig kraft til å utføre begrensede manøvre. |
8163 |
Tank barge, dry cargo - Lighter or Barge designed for carrying dry cargo in fixed tanks as if liquid (e.g. cement), either having no motive power of its own or having only sufficient motive power to perform restricted manoeuvres. |
Tanklekter, tørr last |
8441 |
Ferry - Vessel designed for carrying passengers and/or vehicles on regular short voyages. |
Ferge |
8442 |
Red cross ship - Passenger vessel with overnight passenger cabins designed for carrying sick and or disabled people. |
Røde kors-skip |
8443 |
Cruise ship - Passenger vessel designed for carrying more than 12 passengers accommodated on board. |
Cruiseskip |
8444 |
Passenger ship without accommodation - Passenger vessel designed for carrying more than 12 passengers but without passenger accommodation such as cabins etc. |
Passasjerskip uten innkvartering |
8445 |
Day-trip high speed vessel - Passenger vessel designed for carrying more than 12 passengers but without passenger accommodation such as cabins etc. capable of reaching speeds over 40 km/h in relation to water. |
Dagstur høyhastighetsbåt |
8446 |
Day-trip hydrofoil vessel - Passenger vessel designed for carrying more than 12 passengers but without passenger accommodation such as cabins etc., hydrofoil. |
Dagstur hydrofoil-fartøy |
8447 |
Sailing cruise ship - Passenger vessel built and fitted out also with a view to propulsion under sail and designed for carrying more than 12 passengers accommodated on board. |
Seilcruiseskip |
8448 |
Sailing passenger ship without accommodation - Passenger vessel built and fitted out also with a view to propulsion under sail and designed for carrying more than 12 passengers but without passenger accommodation such as cabins etc. |
Seilpassasjerskip uten innkvartering |
8451 |
Service vessel - A tender (vessel for logistical support), dealing with the transport of small material and maintenance requirements outside the port area on rivers and other inland waterways. |
Servicefartøy |
8452 |
Police patrol vessel - A vessel for the supervision by police for the enforcement of applicable rules and regulations. |
Politibåt |
8453 |
Port service vessel - A port tender (vessel for logistical support), dealing with the transport of material and people within a port area. |
Havneservicefartøy |
8454 |
Navigation surveillance vessel - A vessel of the competent authority supervising waterway traffic and navigation to ensure safety and adherence to the respective rules and regulations. |
Navigasjonsovervåkningsfartøy |
CL754 Transport document type
Code | EU designation | Norwegian designation |
C624 | Form 302 - Movement of military goods | 302 - Forflytning av forsvarsmateriell |
C625 | Rhine Manifest | Rhine manifest |
C664 | CN22 declaration according to Article 237 of the Regulation (ECC) No 2454/93 | CN22 deklarasjon i henhold til Article 237 of the Regulation (ECC) No 2454/93 |
C665 | CN23 declaration according to Article 237 of the Regulation (ECC) No 2454/93 | CN23 deklarasjon i henhold til Article 237 of the Regulation (ECC) No 2454/93 |
N703 | House waybill | Underfraktbrev (samlesending) |
N704 | Master bill of lading | Hovedkonossement |
N705 | Bill of lading | Konossoment |
N714 | House bill of lading | Underkonnossement (samlesending) |
N720 | Consignment note CIM | Fraktbrev CIM |
N722 | Road list - SMGS | SMGS-vegfraktbrev |
N730 | Road consignment note | Vegfraktbrev |
N740 | Air waybill | Flyfraktbrev |
N741 | Master airwaybill | Hovedflyfraktbrev |
N750 | Movement by post including parcel post | Forflytning med post inkludert pakkepost |
N760 | Multimodal / combined transport document | Dokument for kombinert transport |
CL756 Additional fiscal references role
Code | EU designation | Norwegian designation |
FR1 | Importer | Importør |
FR2 | Customer | Kunde |
FR3 | Tax representative | Mva-representant |
FR4 | Holder of the deferred payment authorisation | Berettiget til utsatt mva-avregning |
FR5 | Vendor (IOSS) | Leverandør (VOEC) |
FR7 | Taxable person or of the person liable for payment of VAT | Mva-pliktig |
Other international code sets
Country codes
ISO-3166 – We use the Alpha-2-codesNational code sets
Import Procedure
These codes should be used in the consignment notification to indicate which customs procedure the consignment should be subject to upon entry into the Norwegian customs territory.
Code | Norwegian designation | Description |
IMMEDIATE_RELEASE_IMPORT | Overgang til fri disponering | Consignments for which a customs declaration has been submitted in advance to be processed in connection with the border crossing. This includes declarations for immediate release import, provisional declaration, and temporary import. It does not include simplified declaration for placement in a customs warehouse, which has its own ImportProcedure. |
TRANSIT_IMPORT | Transittering | Transit import that should only be submitted for border crossing in NCTS, and be completed by authorized recipient at the location of unloading. |
TRANSIT_RELEASE | Oppstart transittering | Transit which is to be initiated by Norwegian Customs in Norwegian or Swedish NCTS when the transport arrives at the border. |
IMMEDIATE_RELEASE_VOEC | VOEC-sendinger | Consignments which are exempt from declaration, and are released immediately after crossing the border. |
COLLECTIVE_RELEASE | Samlefortolling | Goods that are to be collectively customs cleared upon unloading. Declaration has not been submitted at the time of border crossing |
WAREHOUSE_RELEASE | Innlegg på tollager | Consignments for which a declaration for placement in a customs warehouse has been submitted in advance or where the consignment will be goods registered before crossing the border |
DOCUMENTS_NOT_OBLIGED_RELEASE | Documents | Consignments containing goods as described in Movement of Goods Regulations §4-1-17/18/19/20/21/22/23/25/26/27/28/29 and that are exempt from declaration |
ATA_CARNET | ATA carnet | Consignments predeclared according to the ATA convention, as described in Movement of Goods Regulations § 4-6-2 |
TIR_CARNET | TIR Carnet | Consignments sent according to the TIR convention, as described in Movement of Goods Regulations § 4-3-2 |
Outgoing Procedure
These codes should be used in the consignment notification to indicate which customs procedure the consignment is subject to outside the EU and up to the Norwegian border. This information is necessary to provide when the border crossing occurs at the road border between Norway/Sweden or Norway/Finland, due to the border customs cooperation agreements with Sweden and Finland. When the border crossing occurs in any other way, it is not necessary to provide this information.
Code | Norwegian designation | Description |
TRA | Transittering | The code used when the selected customs procedure is direct clearance to indicate whether the procedure up to the border is transit |
EXP | Eksport | The code used when the selected customs procedure is direct clearance to indicate whether the procedure up to the border is export |
Additional Previous Document Type
These codes are established as an addition to CL228 PreviousDocumentsType, and they are used together with the other codes from PreviousDocumentType. They should be used in the consignment notification when the consignment is to be linked to a customs declaration or a transit procedure to be initiated at the border or to provide a goods number. If the selected customs procedure (see code set ImportProcedure) is Immediate release import or Warehouse release, this object must always contain the code = CUDE.
Code | Norwegian designation | Description |
CUDE | Tolldeklarasjon | Code to be used if DeclarationID, and not typeOfReference, is to be used in the previousDocuments-object |
RETR | Oppstart transittering | Code to be used if there is an LRN to transit-declaration to be filled out as the referenceNumber in the previousDocuments-object |
GONU | Godsnummer | Code when goods number for goods to be registered are used |
These codes should be used in the consignment notification when the consignment is declared for export outside of the EU. The codes should be placed in the typeOfExport-attribute. They support different types of export. For example, if the selected outgoing customs procedure (see code set OutgoingProcedure) is export, this object must contain the correct code from the table below.
Code | Norwegian designation | Description | "exportID" requirements |
AES_EXPORT | AES | Export from the EU. Automatic export confirmation, only exceptionally needing manual processing. |
Example: 24SE0123456789ABCD |
EUEIR_EXPORT | EUEIR | Export from Sweden. No further follow-up required by Norwegian Customs upon arrival at the border and entry into Norway. This does not require manual processing at the border. |
Example: SE009251-20230602-24 |
These codes are returned when validating consignment notifications, if the message is incomplete. The missing information must be submitted at the latest when the transport arrives at the border.
Code | Description |
INCOMPLETE_CUDE_DOCUMENTATION | When customs declaration ID is not given in the PreviousDocuments list and ConsignmentHouseLevel→ImportProcedure→ImportProcedure is either IMMEDIATE_RELEASE_IMPORT or WAREHOUSE_RELEASE. |
INCOMPLETE_EXP_DOCUMENTATION | When export type and/or export ID is not given in the ExportFromEu list and ConsignmentHouseLevel→ImportProcedure→OutgoingProcedure is EXP. |
INCOMPLETE_TRA_DOCUMENTATION | When the MRN of the transit declaration is not given in the PreviousDocuments list and ConsignmentHouseLevel→ImportProcedure→ImportProcedure is TRANSIT_IMPORT or ConsignmentHouseLevel→ImportProcedure→OutgoingProcedure is TRA. |
INCOMPLETE_VOEC_DOCUMENTATION | When ConsignmentHouseLevel→GoodsItem is incomplete and ConsignmentHouseLevel→ImportProcedure→ImportProcedure is IMMEDIATE_RELEASE_VOEC. |
INCOMPLETE_DOCUMENTATION | When other information than the 4 types mentioned above is missing. |
INCOMPLETE_CUDE_VALIDATION | When we are not able to validate the customs declaration in Tvinn because of technical problems. |
INCOMPLETE_GONU_DOCUMENTATION | Godsnummer er ikke oppgitt i previousDocuments sitt referenceNumber, selv om WAREHOUSE_RELEASE og GONU er valgt. |
CANNOT_VERIFY_CUDE_DOCUMENTATION | Skyldes at Tolletaten ikke kan verifisere at den oppgitte deklarasjons-id er korrekt. Dette kan skyldes midlertidige forsinkelser i Tolletatens systemer eller at deklarasjons-id ikke er korrekt. For sikkerhets skyld bør innsender verifisere at deklarasjons-id er korrekt oppgitt. |
CANNOT_VERIFY_TRA_DOCUMENTATION | Skyldes at Tolletaten ikke kan verifisere at den oppgitte NCTS MRN er korrekt. Dette kan skyldes midlertidige forsinkelser i Tolletatens systemer eller at MRN ikke er korrekt. For sikkerhets skyld bør innsender verifisere at MRN er korrekt oppgitt. |